Thursday, May 10, 2007

Gardening - Garden Ridge

Gardening which generally means garden maintenance is carried on by home owners around the world in different formats according to their climate and soil conditions. Another term I like to introduce here is garden design which is a more of professional kind of gardening which garden designers do.

Trained in design and horticulture having through knowledge of the local industry garden designers usually know about every thing relating to their plants and how to grow them. No matter how less a person knows about gardening its always easy to learn and very interesting and keeps a person busy in it. So gardening can involve growing vegetables, fruits for your salad or flowering plants just to make your lawn more beautiful.

Gardening can be classified as

Container gardening is carried out in containers. Mostly pots and basket which are hung from a place like balconies. These containers can be kept indoors or outdoors.

Indoor gardening, as the name suggests is growing plants indoors. It can be any where in a building but these plants are specific for indoor growing which doesn’t need more sunlight and can live in very less water.

Residential gardening is the typical garden lawn we know. Which is close to our home thus the name residential gardening.

Water gardening is a process where plants are grown in small water containers and ponds. These plants are very specific and all plants cannot grow just by water most water plants are keep indoors also.

Organic gardening is a part of general gardening but here you use some simple methods to get the most out of your plants. Like using companion planting where you choose plants which complement each other in growth and looks. Giving 20 minutes every day for your garden checking for any problems before they can harm your plants can have very good results.

The home owners should visit the local gardens and gardening store and join any local gardening club or talk to other gardeners, which will help in their knowledge.